Sam Is IT
IT Consulting
Contact Info
Samuel Herschbein
IT Consultant
Seattle, WA, USA
This site was created on a Mac using RapidWeaver from RealMac Software. The theme is Omnicon from One Little Designer (1LD). The Stacks RapidWeaver plugin from YourHead Software is used on all pages. Many stacks used on this site are from 1LD.
Many thanks to 1LD for their excellent tech support.
My web design philosophy is function over form, I prefer simplicity over eye candy.
• I like a single location for menus. I find it tedious to navigate a site that has menus in multiple locations.
• Screen real estate is precious, I prefer to present useful information instead of eye-catching stock art.
• I'll refrain from ranting about auto-play movies & animated ads, you won't find either here.
Many thanks to 1LD for their excellent tech support.
My web design philosophy is function over form, I prefer simplicity over eye candy.
• I like a single location for menus. I find it tedious to navigate a site that has menus in multiple locations.
• Screen real estate is precious, I prefer to present useful information instead of eye-catching stock art.
• I'll refrain from ranting about auto-play movies & animated ads, you won't find either here.